Friday, September 23, 2016


Volcanos in Egypt
From what I researched I couldn't really find anything that related to volcanoes in Egypt. From what you can see in these pictures are mountains with the black stops. They are said to have represented volcano's in a way with the high peaks, and the desert surrounding it. This desert is called Egypt's Black Desert, with the high mountains, black rocks topping it and the beige/orange sand surrounding all the "volcanos." So as you can see, there definitely isn't any volcano's in Egypt that anyone has to worry about. The people of Egypt don't have to take any precautions when it comes to them because of the lack of volcanos.

Northern Coast of Sinai
This volcano Sinai is the closest to Egypt, I believe. But this volcano does have to do a little bit with Egypt. Egyptian archaeologist said they have found traces of solidified lava that dates back to 1500 B.C. This is to have said to have buried Egyptian settlements by a massive volcanic eruption. Two different things have been said about how the eruption made its way to Egypt. Scientist have said that the wind travelled the ash all the way over, about 700 miles. Others have had said that maybe there was a tsunami like way of lava that made it's way to Egypt killing/destroying the settlements and people. Then there are the people who believe that that's impossible for it to happen. They believe that it came over through the regular ocean currents. 


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Seismicity in Egypt

Earthquakes is located on the northeastern of the African Continent. The study of earthquakes activity and seismic hazards assessment of Egypt is very important due to the great and rapid spreading of large investments in national projects, especially the nuclear power plant that will be held in the northern part of Egypt ( Science Direct ). Even though Egypt has low seismicity, it has had damaging earthquake effects in it's history. Egypt is affected by earthquakes along the major tectonic plate structure. Egypt is a geologically active region, and seismic activity occurs. Although earthquakes are rare, damage can be severe, especially to older buildings due to lax building codes and shoddy structure. The last major earthquake that resulted in damage was in 1996 ( Safety Report ).

Precautions Made
Earthquakes are very rare when it comes to living in Egypt. From what I tried to research, I couldn't find any precautions that they need to take for earthquakes. If they had any earthquakes, they were very small and didn't do much damage. Although, Egypt has one of the biggest earthquakes of all times in Alexandria, Egypt  in 365 A.D. Thousands and thousands of people died, and even threw ships miles back into inland ( Donna Dickens ). But earthquakes aren't a big thing in Egypt so they don't take as many precautions as other places.